"Discover Hungary's Stunning National Parks"

Wildlife Parks, State Parks, and National Parks to Visit in Hungary

Park Name Location Months to Visit Time Required Important Tips
Bukk National Park Northern Hungary May to October 2-3 days Bring sturdy hiking shoes and warm clothing for cooler temperatures in the mountains.
Hortobagy National Park Eastern Hungary April to October 1-2 days Visit during the annual "puszta" horse show for a unique cultural experience.
Kiskunsag National Park Central Hungary May to September 1-2 days Bring binoculars for bird watching and insect repellent for the summer months.
Ferto-Hansag National Park Western Hungary May to September 1-2 days Explore the wetlands by boat and visit the historic town of Sopron nearby.
Aggtelek National Park Northern Hungary May to October 1-2 days Take a guided tour of the famous Baradla Cave and visit the nearby UNESCO World Heritage site of the village of Holloko.
Balaton Uplands National Park Western Hungary May to September 1-2 days Enjoy the scenic views of Lake Balaton and hike the volcanic hills of the region.
Debrecen Zoo and Amusement Park Eastern Hungary Year-round 1 day Visit the zoo and amusement park for a fun family day out.
Budapest City Park Budapest Year-round 1 day Visit the Budapest Zoo, Széchenyi Thermal Bath, and Vajdahunyad Castle all located within the park.