"Thrilling Theme Parks to Visit in Canada"

Theme Parks and Amusement Parks to Visit in Canada

Park Name Location Months to Visit Popular Rides
Canada's Wonderland Vaughan, Ontario May - October Leviathan, Behemoth, Yukon Striker, Vortex
La Ronde Montreal, Quebec May - October Goliath, Vampire, Titan, Monstre
Calaway Park Calgary, Alberta May - September The Vortex, The Storm, The Dream Machine, The Bumble Blast Coaster
Playland Vancouver, British Columbia May - September The Beast, The Hellevator, The Wooden Roller Coaster, The Crazy Beach Party
Galaxyland Edmonton, Alberta Year-round Mindbender, Galaxy Orbiter, Space Shot, Cosmic Spinner

Canada's Wonderland and La Ronde are two of the largest and most popular theme parks in Canada, with a wide variety of thrilling roller coasters and other rides. Calaway Park and Playland are also great options for families with younger children, as they offer a mix of both gentle and more intense rides. Galaxyland, located inside the West Edmonton Mall, is the world's largest indoor amusement park and is open year-round, making it a great option for those looking for indoor entertainment during the colder months.